Hi guys, now I wanna talk to you about a particular sea battle, maybe you have already eared about it. It is a trip on the boat from Stocklhom to Tallin ( now is to Riga) where you ll have always party for 24 h. The trip is organised by ESN organisation for erasmus students so, it's properly called ESN Sea Battle! so if you are in Erasmus in Sweeden or Denmark you must join it cause it deserve and the cities you ll visit are gourgeous! The boat is really nice and elegant, the equipent is very kind and carefull to everything, you have also your erasmus tutors in that case. The first day if you arrive from Denmark you ll arrive in Stocklhom you sleep one night there. During the day I have visited the city, It's a very nice city and tipical nordic city. The day after you ll go on the boat and the party starts 24h until the morning when you arrive in Tallin .Tallin that i have visited it' s like a medieval city, is amazing, completely different to the others, very small and quiet...I have spent one day there and than I back to boat with party again for 24 h to come back to Stockholm and than to Denmark. If you are in erasmus in Denmark or Sweden I suggest you to do this amzaing trip! If you are in visit to one of these countries you can find a similar one for tourists!